Friday, June 8, 2012

Remember August ( Part 29 : Cinta, Ini Terasa ...Benar )


“so, after this song, we will introduce you, and you guys, start to sing, okay?” tanya interviewer itu untuk memastikan, August mengangguk, dan menaruh headphone ke kepalanya, diikuti oleh Greyson. Iringan lagu Kiss Me terputar dari headphone masing masing. August mangambil nafas.

“uuuu uuu huuu” buka August dengan nada lembutnya.

“winds blowing, through this ring, i feel it, when you started to leaving me” buka August dengan pelan.

“i’m walking, alone, i’m dancing, and knowing you won’t be around” lanjut August sambil menunduk melihat kakinya.

“i know it’s hard to believe, when i see you leaving me, my body freeze for moment, and praying” ucap August.

“when you look at me, with those beautiful eyes, i’m started to paralyzed, cause i can’t face you leaving me, yeah” ucap August lagi, menatap nanar kedepan.

“and when you smile at me with those perfect lips, and when you sing at me, i just can’t keep this in my heart, oh baby please kiss me” ucap August disertai oleh Greyson.

“and i’m walking, leaving you here, with big smile, but you don’t know how i sad inside” ucap Greyson dengan pelan.

“cause we know, we put this, we put our heart, and burried the memorise here” lanjut Greyson, menunduk, menahan pelupuk matanya

“and when i walk up to the door, started to leaving you alone, i’m just turning all around, please kiss me” ucap Greyson menatap mata August yang membuang tatapan matanya sudah berair.

“when you look at me, with those beautiful eyes, i’m started to paralyzed, cause i can’t face you leaving me, yeah” nyani Greyson dan August berbarengan, menutup mata mereka berdua.

“and when you smile at me with those perfect lips, and when you sing at me, i just can’t keep this in my heart, oh baby please kiss me” buka mata August perlahan, lalu melihat tatapannya buram.

“and there’s no more word i could to say, and now i just want you to stay, for little while inside my arms, and when you close your eyes tonight, and i’m asking you, if you see the lights? Shining right from my eyes” ucap August dengan penuh emosi, menumpahkan semua, yang entah, apa yang dia simpan dihatinya, seketika itu keluar dari hatinya.

“when you look at me, with those beautiful eyes, i’m started to paralyzed, cause i can’t face you leaving me” ucap Greyson lembut, menundukkan kepalanya, merasakan pesan yang entah itu apa yang disampaikan oleh August.

“and when you smile at me with those perfect lips, and when you sing at me, i just can’t keep this in my heart, oh baby please kiss me” ucap Greyson, yang diiringi, suara melengking August, August dan Greyson benar-benar merasakan hawa aneh diantara mereka seakan ada sesuatu isyarat tertentu yang dari mereka sampaikan, ada suatu kisah yang belum selesai diantara mereka, dan August bahkan Greyson tidak tau, apa kisah itu. dan darimana kisah itu bermulai. Suatu kisah yang sederhana, tapi penuh dengan lilitan benang pengganggu dalam hidup mereka, suatu kisah... Cinta.


“now, give it up. August Wibowo, and Greyson Chance eveybody” ucap penyiar itu, August dan Greyson bertepuk tangan.

“yeay! Hello guys” sapa August dengan riang seperti biasa.

“hello” ucap Greyson.

“Kiss me, what a beautiful song, seriously guys, the combination of your voice in this song really blew me up, who wrote the song?” tanya penyiarnya itu.

“August did”

“Greyson did” ucap mereka berdua. August mengerinyit heran, jelas-jelas ini murni yang membuat Greyson, bukan August, August hanya menyumbang sekitar empat lagu, dan Greyson menangani sisa lagu, dan dibantu oleh August beberapa.

“no, actually is Greyson, i’m just you know watching him writing, help a little, but he is the one who really write the entire song” ucap August menjelaskan langsung, dan tersenyum kepenyiar.

“now, let’s move on, we have some question, from twitter, it’s quite easy, just answer it really quick” ucap interview tersebut. August langsung mengangguk, disertai greyson.

“okay i’m ready” ucap Greyson sambil tersenyum.

“what song, the most you liked from Tour?” tannya Penyiar.

“Forever Young!” ucap Greyson, Greyson tersenyum lebar, dan penyiar mengangguk.

“describe your girlfriend, wait you have girlfriend?” tanya Penyiar lagi, dengan nada heran.

“yea, i have, umm sorry fans, but i have” ucap Greyson awkward.

“okay tell me about her” balas Penyiar.

“she’s nice, i mean you know, she really makes me feel like an ordinary teenager, and you know, i just like, woah, i don’t know who i am, i’m Greyson, i want to hang out with my girlfriend, and we are having fun” ucap Greyson, panjang lebar.

“have you got kiss with her?” goda penyiar itu, Greyson bersemu merah.

“umm, yea” ucap Greyson pelan “ow look at that, really people, Greyson did have kiss with her” ucap Penyiar, August hanya tersenyum kecil.

“the next go on, is.. um.. oh, what song you like from August?” tanya Greyson. August menatap Greyson.

“maybe A Guy From Childhood” ucap Greyson menatap August. August membuang muka.

“August, tell me about that song” ucap penyiar itu. August dengan awkward memajukan mukanya.

“well, it is about Greyson, he was my bestfriend so you know” ucap August cepat, penyiar heran. “was? Wow, so you’re not friends anymore?” tanya Penyiar itu lagi, August memajukan mukanya. “we are partner” ucap August, lalu kembali bersender, Greyson masih menunduk sambil menggerakkan kakinya. August membuang muka.

“what you like from August, and what you don’t like?” tanya Penyiar algi ke Greyson, Greyson sempat berfikir beberapa kali lalu menjawab.

“i like her because she’s really nice to everybody, like today, after she woke up, she just ordered pizza and give away to the fans, but i don’t like her, whenever she just pretending that she’s okay, she can handles everything, but she’s not” ucap Greyson jujur langsung menatap ke mata August. August menunduk, mendengar sindiran halus dari Greyson.

“okay, the last one, is the interesting one, if your girlfriend, and August are drowning in the middle of th sea, and you only can help one people from both of them, who’ll you choose? And why?” tanya penyiar, August terdiam, dan langsung menatap lurus ke arah mata Greyson, menantikan suatu jawaban. August tidak menyadari dia menahan nafasnya. Greyson masih berfikir, dan berkalut dalam pikirannya.

“i won’t save anybody” ucap Greyson. August mengerinyit, menatap aneh Greyson.

“i will choose drowning, together with them, cause those two girl are important, and i can’t save only one, or else, i’ll save both of them, and let my self dying” ucap Greyson menatap August. August terdiam melihat tatapan itu. Jantungnya langsung bereaksi cepat, darah dalam tubuhnya tidak terkontrol, tolong... apa yang dimaksud Greyson?

“that’s a sweet of you Greyson, okay, let’s move on, just answer the same question, for you August, but i replace the last one, the question is, do you have any words really want to say to Greyson, in your deeply heart?” tanya Penyiar itu. August terdiam, kepalanya menaik dari pandangan bawah. August menoleh ke samping. August melihat Greyson menatap dirinya, menatap dirinya dengan ragu. August merasakan seperti jutaan panah menusuk hatinya, melihat tatapan takut, kepedihan, dan keraguan dari mata itu. August tau, ini lah sikap yang dibuat August di awal, tapi, ini semuanya terasa ...salah

“okay, i love doing So High perfomaces, Cody is really sweet person, and yeah i do had kiss with him, cause it’s trending everywhere, and Greyson’s song i love the most is.... Light Up The Dark, it’s a wonderful song, and i really love it” ucap August dengan senyuman ke arah penyiarnya itu. Greyson masih menatap diri August dari dia mulai berbicara.

“light up the dark hu? Okay what’s a story from that song Greyson?” tanya penyiar itu. Greyson tersenyum pelan, ternyata August tidak berubah seluruhnya, dia masih menyukai lagu itu, masih menyukai lagu yang Greyson buat.

“well, it tells about i get a love sick, and i feel like flying, you know it’s really my deepest heart, and i really glad that August still likes the song” ucap Greyson.

“okay, tell us the next anwers August” potong penyiar menatap August. August berdehem dan mulai berbicara lagi.

“i like Greyson, the way he protects me maybe? i mean he’s really caring people, and i love the way he trust everyone who lives with him, but i don’t like him, whenever he starts to ignores the world focus on one thing, focus on simple things, and make he forgot the fans, it really ...hurts me, you know” ucap August pelan. Greyson menunduk melihat lantai itu, August mengambil nafas, lalu membuangnya dengan pelan.

“and the last question is, i have, and it is... i always love him, no matter what happens, i always support him, maybe when he lost his fans, and lost his career, maybe he can finds me, in my room, sitting in my bed, and playing his song, and maybe, he can comes to me, hugs me, sitting in my bed, or laying together, and having a lot of joy time... most of all, i’m always be his bestfriends, forever and...ever” ucap August tersenyum menatap mata Greysn lembut, dan mengambil tangan Greyson dengan pelan, lalu mengusap tangannya itu pelan. August menatap mata Greyson dengan lembut, ini waktunya untuk memaafkan.


            August dan Greyson selesai melakukan inteview. Saat August keluar, Greyson menahan tangan August, August menoleh kebelakang, dan melihat mata Greyson langsung.

“i’m sorry” ucap Greyson lembut, lalu menarik August ke dalam pelukannya, August membalas pelukan itu dengan senyum bahagia. August tersenyum dalam pelukan itu, pelukan dimana dia akan selalu cari tapi dia tidak akan dapatkan. August memeluk Greyson dengan erat.

“don’t ever do that again” ucap August. Greyson mengangguk. Greyson masih memeluk gadis mungil itu, dia berikan kecupan hangat di ubun-ubun kepala wanita itu.

“don’t ever slipping away from me again, August, cause you are in the right place, you are in my arms” ucap Greyson, August mengangguk. Pelukan itu menguasai sentuhan tubuh August, pelukan itu menyalakan sentruman-sentruman menggelitik diantara mereka... mereka berfikir... pelukan ini terasa...benar... sangat ...benar.


yap yap part 29 is finally up! thank you for wasting your time to reading this, as usual, let me know what do you think! tweet me! 

- @Audeeyah ;]