Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Remember August ( Part 18 : Ellen DeGeneres Interview )


09.00 AM

“eat your food” ucap Ibunya itu, lelaki itu mengangguk, lalu menyantap makanan yang ada dihadapannya.

“where you were going?” tanya Ibunya lagi, melihat lelaki itu tampak rapih.

“hang out with Olivia” ucap Greyson santai.

“before you go, i want to talk with you” ucap Ibunya, lalu menyudahi makannya, dan menonton TV menunggu anaknya itu selesai makan, anaknya memberi respon aneh, tapi hal itu tetap dilakukan oleh dirinnya.

“what do you want to talk about? Mom?” tanya Greyson ke Ibunya. Ibunya tersenyum

“hows August? i miss her” tanya Ibunya, sambil membelai pelan rambut Greyson.

“i don’t know, we’re not talking again since i was on tour” ucap Greyson pelan. Ibunya tersenyum.

“since when you just take it easy, i still remember how crazy you are, when August, not texting you in three days” ucap Ibunya.

“people change mom” ucap Greyson.

“but memorise don’t” balas Ibunya.

“i know, maybe you’re so comfort with Olivia now, and you start to uncomfort, that August and Cody, are dating, i’m not telling you that you’re jealous, little boy, but you still need to treat August like the way August treats you” ucap Ibunya panjang lebar. Greyson mengerinyit, tidak mengerti apa kata Ibunya.

“even she’s with Cody, she stills, care about you, asking hows goin, but it’s look like you make a distance between you guys, remember, you’re two bestfriend, you should support each other, not be like this, you make August more-more past away in your life, and let Olivia in, i don’t hate her, but it’s not fair, that you just accept the “stranger” one and you letting go your “bestfriend” cause whenever you hit your lowest point, you’ll see August there, i believe that. Son, it’s okay, if you like Olivia, i support you, but if you are with Olivia, still remember August, is your bestfriend, treat her, like the way you used to be treat her. And plus you’ll have a tour with her, world will know if you were fighting, if you still like this” jelas Ibunya lagi panjan glebar.

“we’re not fighting, Mom” bantah Greyson.

“you will Greyson, you will, i believe that” ucap Ibunya.

“remember this Greyson” ingat Ibunya lagi.

“people change, feeling change, and from that at all, is only your bestfriend, won’t never change” ucap Ibunya, lalu menepuk pundak anaknya itu, dan berdiri, meninggalkan Greyson sendirian. Greyson terdiam.

            Akhir-akhir ini Greyson berfikir, mengapa dirinya menjadi sedingin ini terhadap August? Apa mungkin karena dia cemburu terhadap Cody, mungkin dulu itu memang jelas, tapi sekarang ada Olivia, yang bisa menggantikan posisi August dihatinya. Greyson termenung, mungkin mulai saat ini dia akan memperbaiki pertemanannya dengan August, dan mulai membuka hatinya dengan Olivia, Greyson tersenyum penuh arti lalu membukan hp nya, mengetik alamat e-mail yang sudah ia hafal diluar kepala.

“i can’t wait for our tour” ucap Greyson lalu mengklik send.


May, 10th 2012
Los Angeles
The Ellen DeGeneres Show

“please give applause, Greyson Chance everybody” teriak Ellen dari kursinya, dan seketika, gemuruh teriakan menggelegar di studio, dan muncullah, lelaki yang berkulit putih, dan pipi merah, dengan senyum yang besar. the one and only Greyson chance.

“welcome here, Greyson” ucap Ellen, memeluk “anak didiknya” ini, Greyson tersenyum sangat lebar.

“oh my God, thanks for make me coming here, Ellen, i miss you so much” ucap Greyson sambil duduk, Ellen tersenyum.

“everyone miss me” ucap Ellen, dan disertai tawa dari penonton.

“okay, so, Greyson, how about your Asia tour?” tanya Ellen.

“oh my God, it’s so exited, i have a lot of experience there, meet my asian fans agains, it’s such a tons of fun you know” ucap Greyson lagi.

“which Country, you most like, along?” tanya Ellen dengan tersenyum.

“i love every each country, that i came a few weeks ago, but most of all, the memorable one, must be Indonesia” ucap Greyson.

“wow, seems, Greyson had some interesting, with Indonesian girl, aren’t you?” tanya Ellen menggoda, Greyson hanya tertawa kecil.

“not in that way, but, yeah i kinda have it, but mostly, when i just arrived there, and i get slapped, i don’t know from who is it, but you know, it’s quite fun to have a memory like that” ucap Greyson tertawa kecil, Ellen mengangguk.

“okay, talk about Indonesia, you seems have a good time there” ucap Ellen, sambil memunculkan satu foto Greyson dengan Olivia, tertawa bersama di dufan.

“oh my God, how you get this?’ tanya Greyson, sambil menatap foto itu.

“just tell me” ucap Ellen tertawa kecil.

“she is my Home Is In Your Eyes Gurl” ucap Greyson.

“and the girl who really like August” sambung Ellen, Greyson hanya tersenyum masam ke arah Ellen, dan Ellen mengangkat bahunya.

“you know, when i’m crying on the stage, because home sick, she held me, she said, that i shouldn’t cry in front of my thousand of fans, and she helped me, and you know, she has same hotel with me, and from that day, we start to know each other, and hang out, that’s it” ucap Greyson menjelaskan itu. Ellen mengangguk.

“talk about Home Is In your Eyes gurl, August was too right?” taya Ellen lagi.

“yea, she is” ucap Greyson.

“and talk about August, i heard that you have a tour with her?” tanya Ellen lagi. Greyson mengangguk

“yeah, i get some tour, in next month, which is summer tour” jawab Greyson sambil memainkan tangannya.

“is her boyfriend follow you guys? I mean, maybe Cody in your tour too?” tanya Ellen lagi, Greyson mengangkat bahunya.

“i don’t know, i mean, yeah you know i just arrived here, and August still walking around, Kansas, and will be back, this afternoon, but the information Cody will join or not, i don’t know, cause yea, like he’s an artist too, maybe he has a schedule, tour maybe” jelas Greyson, yang agak menahan emosinya, entah kenapa akhir-akhir ini jika ada yang membahas mereka berdua kuping Greyson... panas.

“okay, let’s talk about something, which the most favorite memorise you, with Olivia? I guess this chick in the town, and i saw you hanging out together?” goda Ellen, dengan senyuman yang jahatnya itu. Greyson hanya tersenyum malu.

“you know, she is really fun girl, she loves laugh, she loves pop rock music like me, and we really had a great time, you know, maybe we are great great bestfriends” ucap Greyson lagu tersenyum lebar.

“and will be a couple soon” timbrung Ellen, disertai tawa dari penonton.

“i don’t get it, why you really like to say, that i need to be with a girl, that i friend with” ucap Greyson lagi, sambil, menaikkan kakinya.

“no i don’t” ucap Ellen, mebantah.

“yes you are! Remember, when August first come here, you said we are good friends, and we’ll come out, and being a couple, but in fact, she’s dating Cody!!” bantah Greyson lagi, dan masih disertai tawa renyah dari penonton.

“well, i don’t remember it” ucap Ellen lagi, dan dilatari oleh gelak tawa dari penonton, melihat muka cemberut Greyson, dan muka innocentnya Ellen. Hari itu, wawancara, terasa sangat hidup.


“thank you” itu ucapan yang Greyson terima, ketika, dia baru sampai rumah. Greyson mengerinyit, melihat ucapan itu, dari mulut kecil wanita disampingnya ini.

“for what?” tanya Greyson bingung, wanita itu, hanya tertawa dan meninju pundak Greyson.

“for those word in Ellen, i’m flattered” ucap wanita itu.

“oh come on Olivia, it’s nothing, what i said, is truly you are, and i’m glad to be your bestfriend” ucap Greyson, sambil membentangkan tangannya lebar. Dan disambut dingin oleh Olivia.

“what?” tanya Olivia.

“come on, you don’t want to give you cutie, boy strip friends, a hug?” tanya Greyson.

“no, i guess?” ucap Olivia, sambil menaikkan alisnya, Greyson, terdiam, dan merapatkan tangannya kembali.

“well, okay then” ucap Greyson, cemberut, Olivia tertawa.

“oh come here you, baby boy” ucap Olivia, langsung memeluk Greyson, Greyson tertawa kecil, melihat wanita yang satu ini, some reason, wanita ini membuat dirinya nyaman, ditengah kekalutan dirinya dengan perasaannya terhadap August, wanita ini spesial, dan mungkin wanita ini, akan Greyson buat menjadi jauh lebih spesial, karena Greyson tau, tuhan memberikan Olivia dihadapannya untuk apa, untuk melupakan August, dan berpindah hati, berpindah ke wanita yang bernama Olivia ini, wanita yang memiliki semua perwakilan tubuh August, dan hampir semua sifat August. Olivia.

“Olivia, do you wanna go on date with me tonight?” tanya Greyson, Olivia terdiam membeku, menatap Greyson itu.

“sure” ucap Olivia berdebar, menatap mata coklat itu.


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