Sunday, May 6, 2012

Remember August ( Part 8 : The Truth. Dreams Do Come True )


Greyson dan August sama-sama meninggalkan Indonesia, dan bertolak melanjutkan karirnya. Mereka berdua berpelukkan dan memasuki gate masing-masing. Greyson tersenyum melihat wanita itu meninggalkan tempatnya, Greyson yakin, mungkin saja dia akan sering-sering main ke Indonesia untuk menemui wanita malaikat ini, untuk mencuri ciuman di sela tidurnya. Greyson tau ini salah. Tapi ini sudah cukup, untuk meyakinkan. Secepatnya, Gadis itu harus ada di rengkuhannya, pelukannya. Menjadi pacarnya...


United State America
January, 10th ‘12

Greyson sedang berada di Ellen, memberitahu rambut barunya, dan tournya di Asia. Bersama lady gaga juga datang kesana. Greyson bersiap masuk, ketika Ellen memanggilnya.

“everybody cheer up, this is my lil brother. Greyson Chance” teriak Ellen, dari stage. Greyson dengan senyumannya, langsung masuk ke stage.

“hello Ellen, miss you so much” ucap Greyson memeluk Ellen. “me too little boy, come on sit down” ajak Ellen. Greyson duduk di sana, dan bertatap mata dengan Ellen.

“okay, so you got a new haircut hu?” tanya Ellen. 

“yea, i just wanna have some new look in this year. Hehe” balas Greyson, wawancara berlanjut, semua wawancara tentang tournya di Asia Greyson ceritakan, hingga sampai di akhir tour. Indonesia.

“talk about Indonesia, there’s a rumor, that you’ve bestfriend there, tell me” ucap Ellen, Greyson tertawa.

“yea, she is my best friend, her name is August, she is singer too” ucap Greyson, Ellen menaikkan alisnya.

“sweet, well, tell me about her” ucap Ellen.

“she is, you know pretty, with her black eyes, and black currly hair. And she really talk a lot, alot than me, and she kind of girl who get easy to mad, when you messing up with her, you’ll die as soon as posible. Sorry August!” ucap Greyson, disertai tawa dari penonton.

“you said she is singer right? Well, i saw your video with her, when you was in Indonesia, you record your songs with her, let us see the video” ucap Ellen, diputar Cheyyenne yang dimainkan di rumah August.

“tell me, about why you do that,” tanya Ellen lagi, Greyson terawa kecil

“well, i was in her house having dinner with her and my family, and she was done with her rehearsal, and she just randomly pull out my song, and sing, it’s out of control, i don’t expect that happen, it’s just come from our idea” ucap Greyson.

“she is cute, when in this picture, you layin’ your head and she laughing, you two are cute, are you guys, an ex?” tanya Ellen.

“what? No, she’s my bestfriend, we’re just like sisters, and brothers, i love her, just like my twin silly sister you know” ucap Greyson menjelaskan, sambil tertawa kaku.

“maybe next year, or when you sixteen you will” ucap Ellen asal, seua hening.
“awkward” ucap Ellen, semua tertawa.

“okay, talk about that video, she has good voice” puji Ellen

“she has” timpal Greyson

“i’d love to bring her, here, right in to my studio” ucap Ellen sambil tersenyum

“what do you mean?” tanya Greyson.

“watch this” ucap Ellen, diputar Video dari belakang mereka.

“Hello everybody!” suara yang Greyson kenal di luar kepala terputar, dengan refleksi rambut hitamnya itu.

“hello, i’m August, and last night, my phone rang and it was Ellen, she invites me to come to her place, and i’d love too come to your place, singing in your stage, talking with you. It would be amazing. And yeah i will answer some question that Everybody ask about me through Ellen. Okay here we go.


Are you Greyson best friend?
Okay, well, i’m not his friend... but bestfriend

Since when you and Greyson know each others? 
Hem, let me think. Maybe 3 or 4 years, i just can’t remember it perfectly.

What Greyson did that you don’t like it? 
Oh i got this, the most annoying moment when Greyson starts to cry, he won’t stop. Seriously. Sorry Greyson.

If Greyson has a girlfriend, and it’s his fans. What’ll you do?
Well, when he get his girl, if i like that girl, maybe i’ll support him, and give him an advice what he needs to do, in front of her. I just want the best for him.

What you’d expect from Greyson? 
what i expected? Well nothing, yeah i guess nothing, cause who is he now, just make me proud of him.

And the last one from 
Can you sing, one Greyson’s song? .... “

Video matiGreyson mengerutkan dahinya, lalu lagu Greyson terputar, suara yang baru saja dia dengar melalui video hari ini detik ini dia dengar, langsung, tanpa perantara. Greyson membalikkan tubuhnya, terlihat wanita dengan rambut ikal hitamnya, mata hitamnya itu menyala. Menggunakan baju plain long handnya, yang dipadukan bersama rok pendek, dan ankle boots menemani kakinya. Senyuman yang lebar. Dan lesung pipit yang terbentuk. August. Itu August.

“cause it’s only break my heart” suara August mengisi ruang kosong Ellen. Semua orang bertepuk tangan. Greyson terdiam, menganga. Melihat sahabatnya yang sebulan lalu dia temui. 

“to see going through this, to see going through this, there’s nothing that i can do” lanjut August berdiri di panggung. Menyanyi dihadapan seleruh penonton. Greyson hanya masih menganga melihat penampilan yang dia lihat saat ini.

“you keep slipping away” bait akhir dari slipping away terlantun dari mulut kecil August. August memberikan hormat kepada penonton, yang memberikan August standing applause. 

“thank you” ucap August tersenyum, Ellen berjalan menuju panggung.

“well well, everybody. August Wibowo!” teriak Ellen. August tersenyum lagi. Ellen mengajak ke tempat duduk yang sudah disediakan selagi August perform. Greyson berdiri dan mengahampiri August, lalu memeluk teman wanitanya itu erat.

“aaa, miss you so much!!” ucap Greyson masih memainkan August dalam pelukannya. August hanya tertawa kecil.

“you tell me, that you have tour” sapa Greyson, August tertawa.

“ofcourse i’m lying!” ucap August, lalu mencubit pinggangnya Greyson.

“AUCH!” teriak Greyson, dan menatap sengit August, yang ditatap hanya duduk dengan muka innocentnya itu. melatari tawa penonton.

“okay, welcom here August” sapa Ellen.

“thank you, thank you, so much to invite me here” ucap August sambil tersenyum. Lalu memeluk Ellen.

“okay, so here we go, let sit down, and talk about your “celebrity bestfriend”. “ ucap Ellen tersenyum.

“okay, i’m ready!!” jawab August antusias, semua orang tertawa kecil.

“can you tell me how you two get very great friend like this?” tanya Ellen.

“well, when i was sixth, i just celebrated my birthday party” ucap August mulai bercerita.

“August, it was fifth, not sixth” timbrung Greyson, August menutup matanya.

“you tell then” ucap August, semua orang tertawa. 

“the point is, when we were kids, we celebrate our own party, and we just know each other, since that day we were bestfriend” ucap Greyson singkat.

“that’s it” balas August. Ellen mengangguk.

“so how you guys, separate like this, August in Indonesia, you are in the U.S?” tanya Ellen lagi. 

“when paparazzi becomes hit, the day when Ellen call me, she suddenly disappeared without any news, i ask my other friends, but they never tell me, until i come to her bestfriend, also mine, and she told me that se goes back to Indonesia” jelas Greyson.

“is she Lauren?” tanya August, Greyson mengangguk “she is” ucap Greyson. 

“so August, why you leave him? Like exactly when he got his famous?” tanya Ellen lagi

“my mom is Lawyer, and my dad is one of Indonesia’s Foreign Ministry, so in that time my Mom get a job that she needs to take care of Indonesia’s politics, and my dad get a big opportunity to take over about Indonesia’s Foreign. And that’s why i leave Oklahoma, and go back to my Dad’s hometown” ucap August.

“why you don’t tell Greyson, but you just tell you girlfriend?” tanya Ellen lagi.

“you know, i’m a kind of girl who can’t see a goodbye scene, i just hate to saying goodbye, especially, for my very great best friend, Greyson, i just don’t wanna see he’s crying, cause i leave him, and i just can’t accept, there’ll be such a long years i can’t see him, and i know when paparazzi becomes hit, i’ll know he’ll become to be a famous artist, and maybe, my name will dissapear slowly but sure, and the end, we will don’t know each others” ucap August jujur, Greyson terdiam mendengar kata-kata August itu.

“wow, such a deep, sentences” ucap Ellen.

“i won’t forget you” ucap Greyson tiba-tiba, August melihat ke arah Greyson.

“i know you won’t cause you don’t have any car accident” ucap August asal. Tapi muka Greyson masih serius.

“seriously August i won’t forget, even how long we’re not seen each other, how long, i can’t see you, i won’t forget you, like you’re the one who want to be my bestfriend like just who i am, not when i just get a famous life, i won’t forget you” ucap Greyson serius menatap langsung mata August. August yang ditatap hanya terdiam beku, dihujami mata seperti itu. 

“well, thanks then” ucap August agak ragu, baru kali ini, dia melihat keseriusan yang mendalam dalam mata coklat itu, disaat rahang bawah lelaki itu mengatup keras dan menatap tajam lurus ke matanya, ketika mukanya menampakkan ekspressi datar. 

“i’m not that so mean, if i forget you” masih lagi Greyson mengatakan dalam nada dan europhia sama dengan August. August berusaha sekuat tenaga menatap mata dingin coklat itu. 

“i know you won’t, because i just know, that is the meaning of true bestfriend, right?” tanya August menatap takut mata itu, 1 detik, 2 detik, 3 detik. 

“i guess” ucap Greyson mengangkat bahu lalu menatap Ellen kembali, Ellen hanya terdiam, canggung diantara mereka berdua berdebat.

“aw come on Greyson, don’t be so serious, i really hate when you do” ucap Augut mencubit pipi Greyson keras dan memainkannya, semua orang tertawa melihat mereka berdua, tawa Greyson memecah.

“ha-ha finally i found your weakness, ha-ha” ucap Greyson tertawa, wawancara dilanjutkan kembali, membahas tentang karir August, dan persahabatan mereka. hingga penghujung acara pun tiba.

“before we finished this interview, i’d love to sign August in eleveneleven, and work with me, Greyson and all the crew, so what do you think?” tanya Ellen, August dan Greyson sama-sama kaget, mereka menganga lebar.

“you said what?” tanya August lagi

“i said you are signin in my label records, eleveneleven, do you want it?” tanya Ellen lagi.

“i’m such a fool if i don’t want it” ucap August tersenyum lebar. 

“you working with me August, you working with me, we living in our dream!” ucap Greyson, August mengangguk semangat lalu memeluk Greyson erat sangat-sangat erat.


>>> yea, finally part eight is up!! so here you go! , are the top five that i choose in #RememberAugustQuiz , and yeah there's still two girl who be "runner up" and the "winners" !! congratulation guys (: let me know what do you think guys! and thanks for wasting your time to read my story! x

(: :D

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